Hi Harriers. We are your club coaches – Marie, Garth and Kelvin. We can help you in many aspects of your running. You are probably aware that we take the Thursday night speed sessions in both summer and winter.

What can you expect to gain from us as coaches? We can:

  • assess your running technique and give you cues and pointers to help you improve
  • give you warm ups and cool downs designed to avoid injury and prime you for performance
  • advise you on your training schedule to give you fresh ideas or focus towards a certain race
  • give you excellent speed sessions that WILL improve your times
  • help with your mind-set either before or during races so you push through mental barriers
  • give advice on race day preparation
  • give basic nutrition advice – what to eat before, during or after a race or in training
  • advise you on shoe choice for different race or training surfaces
  • use our experience to answer any other running related questions.

You can usually find Kelvin at the club on a Tuesday evening, and at least one of us at the Thursday speed sessions from 7pm.